U.S. real value added to GDP in Georgia 2022, by industry
Published by Statista Research Department,
Real value added to the gross domestic product of Georgia in the United States in 2022, by industry (in billion chained 2017 U.S. dollars)
table column chart
IndustryReal value added in billion chained (2017) U.S. dollarsFinance, insurance, real estate, rental, and leasing136.71Professional and business services96.42Government and government enterprises69.34Manufacturing63.7Information55.19Educational services, health care, and social assistance51.05Wholesale trade42.78Retail trade35.7Construction28.82Transportation and warehousing27.08Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food services22.73Utilities10.87Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting4.35Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction1.52
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Release date
September 2023
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United States
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Supplementary notes
Chained (2017) dollar series are calculated as the product of the chain-type quantity index and the 2017 current-dollar value of the corresponding series, divided by 100. Because the formula for the chain-type quantity indexes uses weights of more than one period, the corresponding chained-dollar estimates are usually not additive.
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Speaker 1 (00:00):… be an American where at least I know I’m free.
Although the state of Georgia is a great destination for beach vacations from May to August, the fall season also has much to offer visitors.
About two hours north of Atlanta sits Helen, a mountain hamlet of alpine-themed architecture and German-influenced cuisine that’s just weird enough to be more charming than corny.
We’re not going to sugar coat things, Georgians.
“Together, we will take our momentum and energy to the ballot box and set the tone for the entire country — especially first-time voters — to vote early,” said Beth Lynk, the group’s executive director.
One of my favorite things about Atlanta is that even though it's a big city, it remains a collection of neighborhoods.
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